I am at the starting stages of the divorce. I watched the video for form FL-100, and most of it was straight forward until I got to the I have a few questions.
Context: My ex and I met in 2008 while I was in college (20). He was 28. We lived together with friends for two years. In July 2010, we got a house, which he purchased under his name, got engaged in 2011, but we did not become registered domestic partners until April 2014. We separated in April 2022. In your video, you mentioned the distinction between short-term and long-term relationships being 10 years.
When it comes to the assets and debts, will the courts look at the entirety of our relationship or only the eight years we were registered domestic partners?
Will the court deem the house as his separate property since it was purchased prior to our legal registration date as domestic partners? After the legal registration date, does it then become community property? Do I show that I made contributions to the house via paying mortgage, bills for the house? If the home went up in value based on what was done to the house, how does that work?
On my FL-100 form, as the petitioner, under separate assets and debts, do I include my student loans and one of the 401Ks that I have? Some of the student loan debt was prior 2008; some was from 2008-2011/12, while we were together but not RDPs. As for this particular 401K, I got it in 2010 and contributed to it through 2014. Would I put the amount prior to our legal date under separate, and any amount after the legal date in the community section?
Under the community section, you mentioned writing things broadly like “vehicles, retirement, home, etc.” Although he purchased most of the big-ticket items, do I put them under the community section on my FL-100 form since there is a possibility that he might not respond?
I filed for an LLC in 2016, but didn’t really start turning it into a business until 2018/2019. I’m guessing this goes under community property or would I include this on a different form?