Legal Reprensentation

How do I go about finding an attorney that will go into court with a Request for Order to have my husband pay the fees? He has hired one and his income is a lot and I am unemployed caring for our son and my 78 year old very sick drench mother

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I would probably do a Google search for divorce attorneys in your local area and then start making some calls. You’ll want to find an attorney who not only has experience but also one with whom you trust and understand.

You can also contact your local county bar association for a referral and use resources such as Yelp and Avvo. If you have any friends, family, or acquaintances who have been through a divorce, they may have good local referrals for you to contact.

That’s how I started looking in January, 2019. I ended up with a public defender and a family law attorney by the end of summer.
In February I contacted the local District Attorney by email because I couldn’t get an attorney to represent me for a divorce. The only response I received was one. “We’re sorry our office doesn’t handle domestic violence cases”
I told them I was scared, I needed help. In March my adult child, educated, employed, living at home, college graduate, physically assaulted me for the second time in less than 6 months.
I’ve never laid hands on her, ever. My husband defended her actions and rationalized her behavior. Other things had also transpired and I was done. I told him I wanted a divorce.
She told people I was planning on murdering my family. A reliable, educated, impartial family friend came to us and told me. I disused it with my husband and the person who told me.
He genuinely seemed concerned at first. Said he would talk to her. That’s always his solution.
I suggested counseling.( I’m an avid fan, his actions and words never seem to match up) He got uncomfortable but, agreed and said he would go with her because she would feel more comfortable. I wasn’t accepting that. She never went to counseling.
I’m June I was arrested for domestic assault with a deadly weapon. Restraining orders and kicked out of my home of 21 years.
His response to my filing to alimony was that I was being tried for attempted murder.
Not true.I made my own deal. Charges are being dropped, I believe I was set up. So does my public defender and my divorce attorney.
Nobody’s interested in listening to me. I’ve been showing them the evidence, telling the truth, from the time I contacted the District Attorney asking for help.
My 30 year old veteran son committed suicide November 12, he was bullied by his father and siblings the way they bullied me. He was bipolar. I’d been protecting him from them, he was getting worse. Now, I have no children. The attorneys want to drag things out because my husband will spend every penny before he sees me get a dime. I tolerated being abused for over 20 years because no one would have believed me. He’s that good at putting on a show.
I made a deal to not drag on a trial. I’m a Criminal Justice and Police Science Major with Honors. He’s a covert narcissistic and was hiding $300,000,000 from me.

Hi, I have another question on legal representation. My husband has a lawyer and I don’t. I served my petition and summons to my husband directly (via a friend) and they (husband and his lawyer) responded with FL-120. After that, my friend helped serving my PDDs to my husband. Then my husband did not give my documents to his lawyer, and his lawyer replied to me that serving my husband directly is invalid and I should serve files to him (the attorney). Is the attorney correct? If is, are the summons and petition served previously also invalid?

You can always serve your husband directly; however, it is proper etiquette to serve the attorney of record if one is involved. Going forward, you should serve the attorney, but it sounds like service was proper for the PDDs.

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Hello, Im at my witts end…Its been 3 years since my husband served me and the process has dragged on… Ive been paying my attorney monthly, but today he told me that unless I can pay half of the balance which is 6k, I owe him a total of 11k, he said he will quit my case. I’ve already paid him close to 13k, I have a trial date scheduled in a month and I’ve exhausted all my funds. My Ex has an attorney and the money to pay, and we filed a motion requesting attorney fees, but nothing has been decided on it yet. Is there any assistance out there for me? Can my attorney just drop me? The contract I signed does say he can but can he TRULY abandon me after 3 years. I am willing to make payments and even give him a lump sum once I get my taxes, but he’s pretty adamant about dropping me unless I pay half NOW.



I understand your situation must be difficult, and finding the right attorney to represent you is crucial. Here’s a suggested response:

“I’m sorry to hear about your challenging circumstances. It’s important to find an attorney who specializes in family law and understands your specific needs. You can start by asking for recommendations from friends, family, or trusted professionals who may have experience with similar situations. Additionally, many bar associations offer referral services that can help match you with attorneys who specialize in the type of case you’re dealing with. When meeting with potential attorneys, be sure to discuss your financial situation and inquire about their experience with cases involving requests for spousal support or fee orders. It’s essential to find someone who not only has the expertise but also empathizes with your situation and is committed to advocating for your rights and interests in court.”

Hi Christen, I am not replying to your message. I just didn’t know how to send you a new message. I was wondering how do I calculate? I believe it’s going to be permanent spousal support. I already completed the divorce and I did it all myself. No lawyer I have a court date on September 18, 2024 for us to figure out what’s gonna happen with the house and how much I have to pay. But we’re willing to work something out, if I can figure out how much I will have to pay him is there something I can use to calculate that approximately? You for your help Renee Silva

I am not sure if I am posting this in correct location as I am new to this site…I have a new question not a reply.

My question involves conflict of interest when a spouse uses a trust and estate planning attorney to file for dissolution.
The same attorney previously represented the husbands Mother and the husband and wife in the drafting of a private family loan.
Where the Mother paid off the couples home mortgage and created a private loan between herself, her Son and his spouse, to lower couples monthly mortgage payments.
If the husband later uses this same estate planning attorney to draft dissolution against his spouse, would this represent a conflict of interest or breach of fiduciary duty?
As the attorney had personal knowledge of family’s financial condition including the Mother who had made large financial contributions to the couple annually from a family trust fund.
If this is a situation of conflict of interest or breach, who enforces these type of issues? What can the spouse who has been violated do about it?
Thank you