Our judgement got denied, the memo correspondence from Contra Costa County stated Judgement on Page 2 is left blank. referring to questions 4 i-o.
Question 4, i-k is about children names custody and child support which does not apply so i left blank.
Now 4.l is about spousal support, 4.m Property division, and 4.n attorney fees. I left all of these blank because we have no minor children, I am not asking for spousal support and i have no attorney’s fee’s. I am assuming the court was referring to 4.m and 4.n that I left blank.
If I AM NOT asking for spousal or partner support would i check Box 4 -i- 2? (seems most appropriate but unsure) Jurisdiction terminated to order spousal or partner support as it relates to
OR do i check other Box 5 which is other? and specify “petitioner is not requesting spousal support”
And would I do the same for property division if there is no property to divide?
Check box m-3 (other) and specify there is no property to divide?
also the same for attorney fees question 4-n would i put box 3 other; and specify fee waived and not requesting attorney’s fees?
I do see there is a 4-o which states other, should i just mark this box and specify all the above? Please and thank you for any guidance and support you offer. I tried to be clear as i could, apologies if I was unclear. Thanks again.