Question posted by another individual:
I served her and we’ve followed all the steps in the online videos, as per the Sac County roadmap and your website. She didn’t formally respond, which saved us another $400+.
According to the court, she can just hand me her copy, and I can send in both mine and hers of this form and FL-150 with copies to the court.
Here’s the confusing part…
They also said we can check either “one or both” of the Preliminary or Final check boxes on the form. My understanding is that it really doesn’t matter, as we’re not contesting anything, but I’m wondering if we should check both, the Preliminary, or the Final? It’s seems strange, but does checking, for example, just Final means something different than checking Preliminary or both?
Given that there’s no contest, is there some advantage to either of us to check Preliminary or does this mean we just have to send the court another form (and/or another FL-150) at some future date?
Apparently, there’s also the FL-144, which waives the Final requirement?