Changing jobs after PPO

I’m in the of the divorce process. All the paperwork has been filed: FL-141,FL-140, FL-150, FL-142 which includes pay stubs from my current employer. The attorney (her attorney) is working on the sep agreement. I just got a job offer and will be changing jobs in a couple weeks and my new job pays more than my current job do I need to let my wife know? Thanks!

Yes, you are supposed to update your FL-150 and/or provide updated information regarding your employment. I know that there will be a concern that your new job will impact a settlement, and I also know that many people in your situation would not disclose the change; however, under the law, you are supposed to do so.

A judge has imputed income based on a job I was laid off from 3 years ago. I have since bought a sports bar and grill but have yet to make a profit. My ex is working full time, has a live in partner, as well as my mother in-law living in their house and contributing financially. They also have a 2nd home in another city. After lies that have been disproven my timeshare had been reduced and my child support increased even more. This seems ridiculous. How am I being imputed income for a job I haven’t had in 3 years and being punished for buying a business my children can inherit someday? Also, throughout the divorce my ex has received over half a million dollars at least half of which was my separate property, inheritance from my father, and my ex had no rights to. My assets had been held in trust for 3 years while my ex kept stalling forcing me to withdraw money that I would then have to allow my ex to withdraw the same amount until the money was proven at trial to be separate property. Eventually, I just settled because I wanted to buy my business and move on. Then I was slapped with increased support after I had agreed to settle for the remaining funds, which technically were mine. Is there any way to fight this?

Imputation of income is a very fact-specific analysis. The legal standard is that the judge must find that the imputed party has the “ability” and the “opportunity” to earn at a certain level. Generally speaking, this is a pretty high standard. I don’t know specifically what occurred in your case, but support is modifiable based on a change of circumstances. Given the current pandemic, depending on your particular circumstances, it is arguable that such a change has occurred.